The authorities in Macau do not allow general searches, such as ‘Does Mr XX own any real estate in Macau?’ In each case, we must have the exact address to be checked (in either English, Chinese or Portuguese).
A word of warning. Address checks in Macau are complicated in that sometimes a property located on a corner may have two addresses – one for each street that it faces.
If you require the details of the owner of a particular address, please enter the address IN FULL in our form. You may use English, Chinese or Portuguese, or all three!
We will conduct a check through the Macau land registry database and provide you with the details of the owner, possibly a company. Our TAT for this is 48 hours, or as soon as possible. If we become aware of likely delays, we will inform you. Assuming the search result identifies the owner, we will email to you a pdf of the document we received from the registry.
Product Terms & Conditions
Please ensure you have provided as much of the detail of the address as you have. If you have the Chinese or Portuguese name of the building, please provide it.
Please make sure your email address is correct at time of checkout. This will be the address to which we email your PDF product(s).
All data is sourced from legal and reputable proprietary or government databases. We cannot guarantee accuracy.
By purchasing any service through this site, you are entering a legal contract with us on these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, or if you are under 18 years of age, do not use our site.
Payment for all Fixed Price Services/ Products must be made in advance in full. These payments are currently made via PayPal. Work will not begin until we have received confirmation of payment. We accept bank transfers for orders over HKD2,500 (approx USD320). Please contact us.
(Please note we are in the process of opening a STRIPE account for payments. Once this is completed, we will up-date the Veriton Shop accordingly.)
All fixed price products in the Veriton Online Shop will be sent to you as a PDF to the email provided. The email address should not be shared to ensure confidentiality. We cannot be held responsible for third parties accessing your given email. The PDF will be sent within 48 hours. In the rare exception of any delay—for example an external database that is unavailable due to maintenance—we will contact you immediately.
This service does not include additional research and analysis. However, although NOT part of this service, when preparing your PDF, if we note anything that appears unusual, we will let you know. Should you decide to undertake additional research and investigations in respect of the given address, for example Investigative Due Diligence, Background Check or a Process Serve, we will discount accordingly.
Veriton Asia will not be liable to you for any indirect, consequential, special or incidental damage or loss arising from your use of or inability to use this website, including loss of business or profits or anticipated savings, loss or corruption of data, loss caused by a virus, loss of or damage to property, claims of third parties, fines or penalties levied by any taxing or other authority or any other loss or damage.
Please click for all other website Terms and Conditions.